
image of oral health for national wellness month

This National Wellness Month, Enhance Employee Health with Onsite Preventative Dental Services

August is National Wellness Month, a time for raising awareness about the importance of self-care. Managing stress and incorporating healthy routines into one’s day may sound like platitudes, but in the hectic bustle of modern business, wellness is crucial. Employees are the lifeblood of your organization. If they break down, the big machine that drives […]

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image of mouthguard to prevent bruxism from stress

Bruxism: The Costly Consequence of Workplace Stress

Bruxism is a word that many people learned during the height of the pandemic. It’s the clinical term for excessive teeth clenching or grinding. And one of the foremost factors that contributes to this involuntary and detrimental oral health habit is stress. HR leaders are no strangers to the complications that arise in the workplace

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New eBook for HR Professionals: The Holistic Health Benefits of Corporate Mobile Dentistry

The worst of the pandemic is behind us, but its effects have left an indelible mark on our present and future. And this is glaringly apparent in the new normal of employment. HR leaders continue to struggle with getting employees motivated to return to the office. The potential for long commutes to resume means some

New eBook for HR Professionals: The Holistic Health Benefits of Corporate Mobile Dentistry Read More »

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