Smile Proudly this Pride Month: How Onsite Mobile Dentistry Promotes LGBTQ+ Oral Health

It’s June, and that means we’re celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride Month. Equality, inclusion, acceptance, and support for friends and loved ones in the community are critical to the advancement of our society. We talk a lot about these issues during Pride, but the subject of health is often pushed aside. It shouldn’t be. The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities identifies the LGBTQ+ community as a “health disparity population” due to lowered access to health coverage, including dental care. Clinical research shows that sexual and gender minorities who live among high levels of prejudice will die sooner — 12 years on average — than those residing in more accepting environments. Because oral health affects physical and mental health, the issue is too important to ignore.

The Growing LGBTQ+ Community

The number of people in the LGBTQ+ community has risen steadily over the years. According to the May 2024 Gallup Poll on the topic, “7.6% of U.S. adults now identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or some other sexual orientation besides heterosexual.” Within the ranks of Generation Z (those born between 1997 and 2002), more than one in five adults identify as LGBTQ+. Given these facts, combined with the problem of “health disparity,” providing LGBTQ+ people with access to safe, comfortable, and compassionate oral health care is vital.

LGBTQ+ Dental Issues

Risks Associated with HIV and Hepatitis

Academic research data indicate that bisexual, lesbian, and gay individuals are more likely to rate their oral health unfavorably when compared to their heterosexual peers. Because oral and physical health are intrinsically linked, dentists must be open to discussing concerns beyond oral health to support the needs of this patient group.

Although LGBT people experience higher rates of HIV and hepatitis, these diseases do not represent the singular causes of health risks for the population. They persist, however, as serious risk factors. HIV lowers the body’s immune system and ability to fight infection, which includes infections in the mouth or gums. Some HIV medications also produce side effects that lead to oral health problems.

“Data shows LGBT people are more likely to smoke than straight and cisgender people,” the Oral Health Foundation explained. “If you do use tobacco you are more likely to have problems in your mouth. Gum disease and tooth loss are just some of the problems that can happen. Smoking and alcohol also increase the risk of mouth cancer – something your dentist will check for at every examination.

Other personal issues like mental health, substance use, and eating disorders can also affect their oral health.

LGBTQ+ Substance Abuse and Homelessness

As a result of systemic discrimination and disadvantage, LGBTQ+ people often succumb to higher rates of homelessness and substance abuse than the general population. These circumstances make routine oral hygiene challenging, with dental avoidance leading to tooth decay and other dental complications. For transgender people undergoing hormone therapy, there are additional risks of osteoporosis, changes in bone density, and gum disease.

Mental Health for LGBTQ+ People

LGBTQ+ people experience unique hurdles and different stresses than other underrepresented groups, which can contribute to poor mental health. What patients may not realize is the impact of mental health challenges on dental care. For example, people living with anxiety or depression are less likely to maintain a regular oral hygiene regimen. They’re also less prone to scheduling routine dental checkups and cleanings. In certain cases, mental health issues can result in eating disorders, which propel the onset of dental problems.


Facing ongoing and widespread discrimination, LGBTQ+ are naturally reluctant to divulge their gender identities or orientations openly, but this lack of transparency complicates treatment. Failing to disclose relevant health conditions, medications, hormone therapy, and even lifestyle behaviors will likely jeopardize favorable treatment outcomes.

Dental teams must know and understand their patients’ medical histories along with any medications they are taking. This includes medicines prescribed by physicians for HIV or Hormone Replacement Therapy. If a patient has HIV or hepatitis, the dentist must also know about that. Openness is critical to good results and effective treatment.

Dentists are dedicated to improving your oral health, not judging your life or identity. That said, finding a dentist that instills comfort, ease, a sense of security, and trust is imperative. LGBTQ+ people should do their research, seek referrals from other members in the community, and schedule consultations to find a dentist whom they consider ideally situated to care for their unique needs. 

How Corporate Mobile Dentistry Benefits LGBTQ+ Employees

In the workplace, fostering an inclusive culture is imperative to innovation, performance, and thriving talent. The corporate mobile dentistry solutions offered by Dentists on Demand ensure that a company’s LGBTQ+ employees receive the care they need in an environment free from microaggressions, discrimination, or judgment.

Convenience and Accessibility

Onsite mobile dentistry brings high-quality dental care directly to the workplace. This helps LGBTQ+ employees overcome barriers they may encounter in accessing traditional dental services. By eliminating the need to travel to a dentist’s office, take time off work, or navigate potentially unwelcoming environments, mobile dentistry ensures that everyone receives care in a familiar and supportive setting.

A Safe and Welcoming Environment

For many LGBTQ+ individuals, finding healthcare providers who treat patients with respect and inclusivity can be challenging. Our mobile dental clinics are committed to providing a safe, non-judgmental space for all patients. Our team is trained in cultural competency and LGBTQ+ health issues, ensuring that every patient feels respected, understood, and valued.

Customized Care for Diverse Needs

LGBTQ+ individuals can have unique health considerations, including those related to hormone therapy, HIV/AIDS, and other specific medical conditions. Our dental teams are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to address these specific needs. By understanding and accommodating these aspects of health, we can provide personalized and effective dental care.

Promoting Overall Well-Being

Good oral health is a crucial part of overall well-being. By making dental care accessible and stress-free, corporate mobile dentistry helps LGBTQ+ employees maintain their health and confidence. This, in turn, supports their productivity and satisfaction at work. Healthy employees are happy employees, and happy employees contribute to a more vibrant and inclusive workplace culture.

Supporting Corporate Diversity and Inclusion Goals

For companies committed to diversity and inclusion, offering mobile dental services is a tangible way to demonstrate support for LGBTQ+ employees. It shows that the company values their health and has made genuine efforts to invest in services that cater to their specific needs. This can enhance the company’s reputation as an inclusive employer, attract a diverse talent pool, and retain top talent.

Promoting LGBTQ+ Equality and Oral Health

As we honor Pride Month, remember that inclusivity extends beyond celebrations – it’s an attitude that should infuse the everyday practices that support the health and wellness of our society and our workforce. Corporate mobile dentistry is more than a convenience; it’s a commitment to creating a workplace where every employee, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation, feels cared for and valued. Contact us today to learn how we can help you cultivate a healthier, more inclusive workplace for all.

Happy Pride Month from all of us at Dentists on Demand. We are proud to support our LGBTQ+ patients, today and every day.

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