Watermelon: A Refreshing Boost to the Oral Health of Your Workforce

Watermelon and summer go together like, well, watermelon and summer. Not only is watermelon the symbolic fruit of the season – a ubiquitous mainstay of picnics, beach parties, and backyard barbecues – it’s also a great way to promote oral health during warmer months. Instead of offering your employees doughnuts as a break room treat, why not consider watermelon? This juicy fruit is packed with nutrients that boost oral health. From keeping your mouth hydrated to whitening your teeth, watermelon offers a wealth of benefits that can enhance dental hygiene routines. 

Hydrating Properties of Watermelon: The Foundation of Oral Health

In covering the health benefits of watermelon for the New York Times, Caroline Hopkins wrote, “Hydration keeps the body functioning as it should, from promoting blood flow to bowel regularity. The water in watermelon helps keep you hydrated, which can be extra beneficial in hot weather, when you lose more fluids through sweat.”

Watermelon is about 92% water, making it an excellent source of hydration, which plays a crucial role in sustaining good oral health. It’s especially beneficial for more senior members of your staff. Because older people often feel less thirsty – and therefore tend to drink less than their younger counterparts – they may find it easier and more enjoyable to get some of their fluids by eating fruit. 

Saliva Production

Saliva helps to neutralize acids produced by bacteria, wash away food particles, and prevent dry mouth. A well-hydrated body produces sufficient saliva, which in turn keeps the mouth moist and helps in preserving pH balance. Watermelon, with its high water content, can significantly boost saliva production, ensuring that your mouth remains hydrated and clean.

Reducing Bacterial Growth

A moist environment is less conducive to the growth of harmful bacteria. When the mouth is dry, bacteria can thrive. This leads to bad breath, cavities, and gum disease. By consuming watermelon, you can help maintain a moist oral environment that reduces the risk of bacterial infections.

Preventing Dry Mouth

Xerostomia, more simply known as dry mouth, isn’t just uncomfortable, it contributes to serious oral health issues. People suffering from dry mouth often experience difficulty in swallowing and speaking. They also become more susceptible to tooth decay. Watermelon, because of its hydrating properties, helps alleviate the symptoms of dry mouth to keep oral tissues healthy.

Watermelon Is Packed with Vitamin C

Watermelon is a good source of vitamin C, an essential nutrient for strengthening gums and preventing periodontal disease. 

Gum Health

Vitamin C is crucial for the synthesis of collagen, a protein that helps maintain the integrity of gums. Healthy gums are the foundation of a healthy smile. Consuming watermelon can help strengthen your gums, making them less prone to bleeding and inflammation.

Preventing Gingivitis

Gingivitis is an early stage of gum disease characterized by redness, swelling, and bleeding of the gums. Adequate vitamin C intake can prevent the development of gingivitis. Watermelon, being rich in vitamin C, helps keep your gums healthy while staving off the progression of gum disease.

Healing Properties

Vitamin C also has healing properties. If you have any cuts or sores in your mouth, vitamin C can help speed up the healing process. Watermelon provides your body with the necessary nutrients to repair and regenerate oral tissues efficiently.

Antioxidants in Watermelon Protect Against Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

Watermelon is rich in antioxidants such as lycopene and beta-carotene. These antioxidants play a vital role in protecting your oral health by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.


Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant found in watermelon. It has been studied for its potential to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which can affect gum health. By incorporating watermelon into your diet, you can benefit from the anti-inflammatory properties of lycopene, which can help reduce the risk of periodontal disease.


Beta-carotene is another antioxidant present in watermelon. It gets converted into vitamin A in the body, which is essential for maintaining healthy mucous membranes and soft tissues in the mouth. A diet rich in beta-carotene can help protect your gums and prevent oral diseases.

Combating Free Radicals

Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause damage to cells and tissues, including those in the mouth. Antioxidants like lycopene and beta-carotene neutralize free radicals, thereby protecting your oral tissues from damage and reducing the risk of oral cancers.

Watermelon Scrubs Away Plaque and Food Particles

When you chew watermelon, the fibrous texture helps to scrub the surface of your teeth, removing plaque and food particles. This natural scrubbing action can help prevent the buildup of plaque, which is a leading cause of tooth decay and gum disease.

Stimulating Gums

Chewing watermelon also stimulates the gums, promoting blood circulation and keeping them healthy. This gentle massage plays a role in keeping your gums firm and pink, reducing the risk of gum recession and other periodontal issues.

Enhancing Saliva Production

The very act of chewing fibrous foods like watermelon will stimulate saliva production. As we mentioned earlier, saliva is crucial for maintaining oral health because it helps to cleanse the mouth, neutralize acids, and prevent xerostomia.

Watermelon’s Low Sugar Content: Reducing the Risk of Tooth Decay

Compared to many other fruits, watermelon has relatively low sugar content. This makes it a healthier option for your teeth.

Natural Sugars vs. Processed Sugars

The natural sugars in watermelon are less likely to cause tooth decay compared to processed sugars found in sweets and candies. Natural sugars are accompanied by water, fiber, and other nutrients that can mitigate their impact on teeth. Processed sugars, conversely, can stick to the teeth and provide a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and cavities.

Malic Acid: Watermelon Is a Natural Teeth Whitener

One of the lesser-known benefits of watermelon is its malic acid content. Malic acid is a natural compound that can contribute to teeth whitening and overall oral health.

Removing Surface Stains

Malic acid acts as a natural astringent, helping to remove surface stains on teeth. Regular consumption of watermelon can aid in whitening your teeth without chemicals, giving you a brighter smile organically.

Increasing Saliva Production

Malic acid offers yet another means for stimulating saliva production. Increased saliva flow helps to wash away food particles and bacteria that can cause discoloration. This natural cleansing action works to brighten teeth.

Mild Antibacterial Properties

Malic acid also has mild antibacterial properties, which can help reduce the levels of harmful bacteria in the mouth. This contributes to a healthier oral environment by preventing bad breath, cavities, and gum disease.

Maintaining pH Balance

Malic acid helps maintain a healthy pH balance in the mouth by neutralizing acids. A balanced pH is crucial for preventing the demineralization of tooth enamel and protecting against tooth decay.

Watermelon Is Still No Substitute for the Dentist

Wonderful as watermelon may be, it’s no substitute for regular dental care practices. As summer enters its full swing, your employees could be indulging in activities that threaten to compromise their oral health. 

  • Increased Consumption of Sugary Foods and Drinks: During summer, people tend to consume more sugary foods and beverages, such as ice cream, soda, and sports drinks. These sugary items can lead to tooth decay if proper oral hygiene is not maintained.
  • Dehydration: Hot weather is a big culprit when it comes to dehydration and reduced saliva production. A dry mouth increases the risk of cavities and gum disease.
  • Changes in Routine: During summer vacations, a break from regular routines can lead to lapses in oral hygiene practices. People might forget to brush and floss regularly, increasing the risk of dental problems.
  • Exposure to Chlorine: Swimming in chlorinated pools can expose teeth to higher levels of chlorine, which can erode enamel over time. It’s important to rinse the mouth with fresh water after taking a dip in the pool to reduce the effects of chlorine.

Setting out a tray of summer’s favorite fruit instead of sweets is a great start. But given the excesses of the season, protecting the dental health and overall well-being of your workforce is even more important. So why not schedule an onsite dental pop-up and take your wellness efforts to the next level?

Dentists on Demand: We Bring the Dental Office to Your Office

Dentists on Demand (DOD) helped pioneer corporate onsite dentistry solutions, a winning proposition for businesses across all industries. We help you cultivate a healthier and happier workforce while reducing costs, absenteeism, and lags in productions caused by dental emergencies. 

All you have to do is schedule a pop-up and find an available conference room or unoccupied space for us to use. Seriously, that’s it.

  • We handle the setup and breakdown of our mobile dental suite and all equipment. We utilize the latest technologies in teledentistry, digital imaging, the highest-end portable equipment, and sterilization processes that are rated at hospital grade.
  • We create a branded microsite to market the service to your employees and inform them of everything they need to know in advance.
  • We provide access to CUSPID, our proprietary dental technology platform, which enables employees to manage everything from booking appointments to accessing their own patient records and more.
  • With all Dental PPO plans, our preventative services are covered at 100%, promoting the utilization of a benefit that is completely subsidized yet under-utilized. 
  • Our rates reflect the same in-network costs employers already pay, whether their models are self-funded or PEPM. 
  • We customize our solutions to meet the unique needs of your team members, work culture, and site requirements. We also work with plan administrators to carriers to develop lists of in-network providers that we can refer employees to when additional treatment is recommended.

How about it?  Schedule your first pop-up today. Or if you’d like to learn more about onsite mobile dentistry, we have all the information you need.

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