This Oral Health Month, Let Onsite Dental Care Bring Smiles to Your Workforce

Oral Health Month is a reminder of how dental hygiene contributes to our overall health and well-being. As the Mayo Clinic points out, the mouth can be a window to the rest of your body: ”Without good oral hygiene, germs can reach levels that might lead to infections, such as tooth decay and gum disease.” Every June, we celebrate the pioneering advances that have been made since the early 20th century in the field of dentistry. And because Oral Health Month also marks the beginning of summer, it’s a perfect time to bring the dental office to your office so that your employees can enjoy the sunny days with shiny smiles.

Oral Health Month Is a Celebration of History

People may not associate the evolution of dentistry with the march of history, but oral health has played its part in the progress of our nation. In 1906, a Connecticut dentist named Alfred Fones trained his cousin to assist in cleaning his patients’ teeth and performing preventative treatments. He coined the term “dental hygienist,” and Irene Newman, his cousin and assistant, became the world’s first person to hold that title. 

Newman’s training consisted in large part in learning to clean teeth under Fones’ guidance. For teaching aids, Fones took the many extracted teeth from his practice, mounted them in a modeling compound and painted plaster of Paris around the neck of each tooth to represent calculus and stains. Newman started performing oral prophylaxis for the public in 1907. Seeing the success of the program and the position, Fones established the first school of dental hygiene in 1913.

Newman later received the world’s first license as a dental hygienist in Connecticut in 1917, and she became the first president of the Connecticut Dental Hygienists Association. Fones forged ahead in his efforts and eventually formed the American Dental Hygiene Association (ADHA). Shortly after the organization’s creation, all 50 U.S. states had licensed dental hygienists.

The Importance of Oral Health

Most of us know the basic steps of keeping our mouths healthy: brushing at least twice a day, flossing, regular dental checkups, and cleanings. What people may not understand is how oral hygiene contributes to better overall health. 

Compared to other parts of the body, people are more likely to ignore problems that manifest in the mouth.  Bleeding gums, pain, and infections are common problems that negatively impact physical health and quality of life.  They affect how a person speaks, eats, and socializes. There are also more serious risks.

An estimated 54,000 cases of oral cancer were diagnosed in 2022. About 43% of those individuals were not expected to survive beyond the five-year mark. Unlike other cancers, this disease is less frequently discussed in the media. And with only 35% of adults attending routine dental screenings, the risks are high.

Oral Hygiene and a Health, High-Performing Workforce

Mobile dentistry is an innovative approach to dental care that offers a compelling range of benefits to patients, including increased accessibility, convenience, improved patient outcomes, reduced costs, higher levels of patient satisfaction, boons to mental health and wellness, and even eco-friendliness.

Traditional dental care involves the patient traveling to the dentist’s office, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient. However, with corporate mobile dentistry, the dentist comes directly to patients, saving time and delivering a more expedient option for a business’ employees. The work of dental hygienists, which we honor every June for Oral Health Month, is key to the success of corporate mobile dentistry because onsite dental pop-ups focus on preventative care. And prevention translates to a productive, high-performing, pain-free workforce. 

  • Convenience: A significant advantage of corporate mobile dentistry is the convenience it affords to the patients. With dental teams coming directly to corporate premises, employees can receive dental care without having to leave work. This saves time and allows employees to focus on their work while receiving necessary dental care.
  • Cost-effective: Corporate mobile dentistry is a cost-effective solution for employers as it reduces the need for employees to take time off from work to attend dental appointments. Additionally, routine preventative care is the leading factor in reducing the likelihood of serious dental issues that may require more costly treatments in the future.
  • Improved oral health: Corporate mobile dentistry can help improve the oral health of employees. By providing regular dental check-ups and cleanings, employees maintain healthy teeth and gums. This can prevent more serious dental issues from developing, which can impact overall health and well-being.
  • Increased productivity: By providing dental care on site, employees receive necessary treatments without disrupting their workday. This can help to increase productivity while ensuring that employees are able to receive care they may otherwise forgo due to time constraints, long commutes, or other priorities.
  • Employee Satisfaction and Retention: Offering onsite dental care demonstrates a company’s dedication to the well-being of its talent. This can boost morale, increase employee satisfaction, and potentially reduce turnover.

Realizing the benefits of on-demand, onsite mobile dentistry can be a boon to business leaders. Onsite dental care allows a company’s staff to receive the best preventative dental care just feet away from their working areas. For remote and hybrid team members, a pop-up provides a new way of incentivizing workers to head back to the office.

Maintain a Healthy Smile All Year Long

Onsite dental pop-ups are great, yet maintaining excellent oral health is an everyday practice that requires a little diligence. Here are some of the best ways to stay on top of your oral health every day.

  • Use fluoride toothpaste and floss.
  • Brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes, covering all four quadrants for 30 seconds.
  • Don’t forget to brush your tongue.
  • Alcohol-free mouthwashes can reduce plaque formation, curb infection, and eliminate bad breath.
  • Eating healthy foods goes far in helping the body fight or prevent infection.
  • Avoid acidic beverages like orange juice and carbonated beverages, which can erode the enamel on your teeth.
  • Try to limit sugary foods that cause cavities.
  • Check your mouth for any warning signs of oral cancer, such as red or white discolorations, bleeding, sores, or bumps.

Over 116 years ago, the first dental hygienist began practicing critical work that continues to advance in effectiveness. At Dentists on Demand, we are committed to being a part of that evolution by developing solutions that enhance access to convenient care for the health and wellness of your workforce. So schedule a pop-up and be a part of the rich dental history we celebrate every June.

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