The Value of Preventative Dental Care for Self-Funded and Fully Insured Plans

Where your organization’s benefits are concerned, self-funded and fully insured plans have their unique distinctions, upsides, and challenges. One thing they share in common, however, is the importance of utilization. Nearly half of insured adults put off essential visits to the dentist because of busy schedules and hectic commutes. That means your workforce may not be using a crucial benefit for which your company is already paying. It also means that your employees face a higher risk of potential dental emergencies that will drive up costs. On-demand preventative dental care, performed right in your corporate office, is the solution. And it delivers stellar results for both self-funded and fully insured plans.

The High Price of Low Utilization for Self-Funded and Fully Insured Plans

Oral health plays a significant role in overall well-being, influencing everything from the heart to the mind. For companies looking to enhance their benefits packages and cultivate a healthier workforce, portable dental care is a solution that is convenient and cost-effective. 

According to the latest ValuePenguin survey of more than 2,000 Americans, “48% of insured Americans have skipped dental visits or recommended procedures.” For those without dental benefits, the figure jumps to 65%. The American Dental Association (ADA) reported that 61% of adults have private dental insurance. Yet only 39% of those people visited the dentist last year.  

If your self-funded or fully insured plans are being used by employees only when pain flares or emergencies strike, your bottom takes the hit.

  • Lost Productivity: When employees experience dental emergencies, they may need to take time off work for treatment, straining the company’s productivity. This can be particularly disruptive if the employee’s role is critical to business operations.
  • Increased Healthcare Costs: Dental emergencies often result in higher healthcare costs, especially if the employee requires urgent or extensive treatment. These costs contribute to higher premiums over time.
  • Worker’s Compensation Claims: In some cases, if a dental injury occurs at work, it may result in a worker’s compensation claim, further increasing costs for the business.
  • Insurance Premiums: A higher frequency of dental claims, especially emergency ones, can lead to increased insurance premiums for the company.

Understanding the Landscape: Self-Funded and Fully Insured Plans

Preventative dental care is imperative to the maintenance of a thriving workforce and high-performing operations. Yet because benefits programs come into play, it’s important to understand the difference between self-funded and fully insured health plans.

Self-Funded Plans

In a self-funded (or self-insured) plan, the employer assumes the financial risk for providing healthcare benefits to its employees. Rather than paying a fixed premium to an insurance carrier, the employer pays for claims out-of-pocket as they arise. This type of plan is often more flexible and sometimes more cost-effective, especially for larger companies with predictable healthcare costs.

Advantages of Self-Funded Plans

  • Cost Savings: Employers can avoid the profit margins and administrative costs that insurance companies add to premiums.
  • Flexibility: Employers have more control over the plan design, including coverage options and provider networks.
  • Transparency: Employers have access to detailed claims data, which allows for better management of healthcare costs.

Challenges of Self-Funded Plans

  • Financial Risk: Employers bear the risk of high claims costs, which can be unpredictable.
  • Administrative Burden: Managing a self-funded plan requires significant administrative resources, often necessitating third-party administrators (TPAs).

Fully Insured Plans

In a fully insured plan, the employer pays a fixed premium to an insurance carrier, which assumes the financial risk of providing healthcare coverage. The insurance company handles all claims and administrative responsibilities, making this option easier for businesses to manage.

Advantages of Fully Insured Plans

  • Predictable Costs: The employer pays a set premium, making budgeting a simple process.
  • Reduced Risk: The insurance carrier assumes the financial risk, protecting the employer from high claims costs.
  • Administrative Simplicity: The insurance company handles claims processing and compliance, reducing the administrative burden on the employer.

Challenges of Fully Insured Plans

  • Higher Costs: Premiums are generally higher than the actual cost of claims, because they include the insurance company’s profit margin and administrative fees.
  • Limited Flexibility: Employers have less control over plan design and provider networks.
  • Lack of Transparency: Employers have limited access to claims data, making it harder to manage healthcare costs effectively.

The Role of Preventative Dental Care in Employee Health

Preventative dental care is a critical component of overall health. It’s also one of the most neglected. Regular dental checkups, cleanings, and screenings prevent serious and costly health issues down the line, such as gum disease, tooth decay, and systemic health problems like heart disease and diabetes. For employers, investing in preventative dental care is an investment in the long-term health and productivity of their business and their workforce.

Benefits of Preventative Dental Care

  • Early Detection of Health Issues: Routine dental visits allow providers to identify signs of systemic conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers. Early detection facilitates earlier treatment, potentially reducing the severity and cost of these conditions.
  • Reduction in Absenteeism: Untreated dental issues usually progress from annoyance to pain. When employees find themselves suffering, they will be taking time off from work for treatment and recovery. By providing regular preventative care, employers can help curb absenteeism related to dental problems.
  • Improved Employee Productivity: Healthy employees are more focused and productive. Regular dental care helps prevent the discomfort that can distract employees and reduce their efficiency.
  • Lower Healthcare Costs: Preventative care is key to avoiding serious dental problems that require expensive treatments. For self-funded plans, this translates into direct cost savings. For fully insured plans, it contributes to lower premium increases over time.
  • Enhanced Employee Satisfaction and Retention: Offering comprehensive dental benefits, especially innovative and convenient options such as onsite care, can improve employee satisfaction, help attract new candidates, and retain top talent.

On-Demand Preventative Dental Care: A Game-Changer for Employers

Onsite dental care brings the dentist’s office to the workplace, offering unparalleled convenience and accessibility. Dentists on Demand specializes in providing these services, creating a seamless experience for both employers and employees.

Dentists on Demand brings a fully equipped dental clinic directly to your workplace. This mobile setup includes all the necessary equipment for providing high-quality preventative care, including dental exams, cleanings, x-rays, and more. Employees can schedule appointments during their workday, eliminating the need to take time off or travel to a dental office.

Benefits of Preventative Dental Care for Self-Funded and Fully Insured Plans

  • Increased Utilization of Benefits: Convenience is a major factor for encouraging employees to take advantage of their dental benefits. With a portable onsite dental solution, employers can significantly increase utilization rates, ensuring that employees receive the preventative care they need.
  • Cost Savings: Onsite dental care can help reduce overall healthcare costs by preventing serious dental issues that require costly treatments. For self-funded plans, this means fewer high-cost claims. For fully insured plans, higher utilization rates for preventative services lead to better health outcomes and lower premium hikes.
  • Time Savings: Employees receive dental care without leaving the office. This is particularly valuable to companies in industries where time away from work directly impacts productivity and revenue.
  • Customization and Flexibility: Dentists on Demand works closely with employers to customize the onsite dental care program to meet the specific needs of their workforce. Whether it’s a one-time event or a regular service offering, the program can be tailored to fit the company’s goals and budget.
  • Enhanced Employee Wellness: Onsite dental care demonstrates a commitment to employee wellness, which can improve morale and job satisfaction. Employees appreciate the convenience and may be more likely to take advantage of other wellness initiatives offered by the company. This is a core facet of value-based care.

On-Demand Dental Care for Self-Funded Plans

For companies with self-funded plans, portable onsite dental care offers several unique advantages. Since the employer is directly responsible for healthcare costs, reducing the number of high-dollar claims is a top priority. By providing regular preventative dental care onsite, employers can identify and address dental issues early, preventing them from escalating into more serious (and more expensive) problems.

Key Benefits for Self-Funded Plans

  • Direct Cost Control: By preventing serious dental issues, employers can reduce the number of high-cost claims, leading to significant savings.
  • Improved Data Transparency: Preventative onsite dental care can provide employers with more detailed data on dental health trends within their workforce, allowing for better management of healthcare costs.
  • Tailored Care: Employers can work with Dentists on Demand to design a dental care program that targets the specific needs of their workforce, further optimizing cost savings.

On-Demand Dental Care for Fully Insured Plans

While fully insured plans operate differently, portable onsite dental care still offers substantial benefits. For companies with fully insured plans, the primary goal is often to keep premium increases in check. By improving employee health through regular preventative care, employers can demonstrate a commitment to wellness, which helps them negotiate better rates with insurers.

Key Benefits for Fully Insured Plans

  • Improved Health Outcomes: Higher utilization of preventative dental services leads to better overall health outcomes, which insurers take into account when setting premiums.
  • Cost Mitigation: Employers do not directly control healthcare rates under fully insured plans, but preventing serious dental issues will still reduce the overall cost of care, leading to more favorable premium adjustments.
  • Enhanced Employee Engagement: Offering onsite oral health care as part of a fully insured plan can enhance employee engagement and satisfaction with the benefits package, which can contribute to a healthier and more productive workforce.

Why Choose Dentists on Demand?

Dentists on Demand pioneered the concept of portable dental care, bringing preventative dentistry right to our clients’ doorsteps. We offer a range of services designed to meet the needs of today’s employers. With a focus on convenience, quality, and customization, we provide a unique solution that enhances employee health while reducing healthcare costs.

Our Commitment to Quality

We pride ourselves on delivering the highest quality dental care. Our team of experienced dentists and hygienists is dedicated to providing comprehensive preventative services, ensuring that employees receive the care they need to maintain optimal oral health.

Customizable Programs

Every company is different, which is why we customize our programs to the specific needs of our clients and their employees. Whether you run a small business with a fully insured plan or operate a large corporation with a self-funded plan, we partner with you to design a dental care solution that aligns with your goals and budget.

Seamless Integration

Our portable dental clinics integrate seamlessly into your workplace. We handle all the logistics, from setting up the clinic to managing appointments, freeing you up to focus on running your business.

A Proven Track Record

Dentists on Demand has a proven track record of success. Our clients have seen significant improvements in employee health, satisfaction, and productivity, along with substantial cost savings. We’ve got the data to prove it. Our average patient satisfaction scores are 98.1%. Our average net promoter scores are 9.35 out of 10. We didn’t just invent this model of dentistry; we continue to excel at providing the ultimate continuum of care. 

For Self-Funded and Fully Insured Plans, We Have You Covered

In the changing world of employee benefits, onsite preventative dental care offers a unique opportunity to improve employee health, reduce healthcare costs, and enhance overall well-being. Whether your company operates a self-funded or fully insured plan, the benefits of portable preventative dental care are clear. By partnering with Dentists on Demand, you can provide your employees with the care they need to stay healthy, happy, and productive—all while optimizing your healthcare spending.

Invest in the future of your workforce with Dentists on Demand. Your employees will thank you, and your bottom line will too. Why not schedule your first pop-up today? Or get in touch with us to learn more about our portable, onsite, and on-demand dental care solutions.

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