The High Cost of Neglect: Why Preventative Dental Care is Essential for Businesses

For businesses today, poor employee health comes at a high cost. With many industries facing increasing economic challenges, curbing overhead has replaced growth as the goal for 2024. However, failing to support the wellness of the workforce may have a hefty price tag. Companies that invest in their workers’ health see a direct return in productivity, job satisfaction, and reduced absenteeism. Yet dental care is often overlooked as a critical aspect of wellness. When emergencies arise, it’s already too late. Through preventative dental care, the impacts and costs associated with restorative treatments can be avoided. And that care can come right to your office.

Lowering Costs Means Raising the Standard of Health

Investors are no longer rushing to fund IPOs or approve lofty budgets – they are instead enjoining business leaders to rein in spending and prioritize productivity over ideation. Nadia Rawlinson, the former chief people officer at Slack, explained in 2022 that “executives are now optimizing more for profitability than for growth at all costs, sometimes at the expense of long-held organizational beliefs.”

The evolution of portable dentistry helps companies control costs through onsite pop-ups that leverage state-of-the-art technology to create an employee experience that emphasizes convenience, accessibility, and lasting oral health outcomes. At Dentists on Demand, our team uses the latest advances in portable equipment to deliver onsite care to employees, many of whom struggle to maintain routine dental check-ups because of hectic commutes and busy schedules. Because these benefits already exist, companies incur no costs for the services. However, they could be losing money when benefits go unused – a scenario that worsens if poor oral hygiene leads to an emergency.

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), more than 164 million work hours are lost in the United States each year due to oral health issues. This is equivalent to 1.48 hours per person, or about 16% of the population missing work due to dental health concerns.

Figures from the CareQuest Institute for Oral Health paint a more dire picture. Adults in the United States lose more than 243 million hours of work or school each year due to oral health issues, costing the country an estimated $45 billion in lost productivity. This includes over 34 million hours lost to unplanned dental care, such as emergency room visits.

Emergency Room Costs Soar When Prevention Plummets

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) point out that 2 million Americans visit hospital emergency departments each year due to dental-related conditions, totaling more than $2 billion annually. Lost working hours and high costs aside, emergency rooms are typically not equipped to provide comprehensive dental care and may only offer temporary relief, such as pain management or antibiotics. That means more costs compile as patients transition from hospital ERs to undergo follow-up procedures with a dentist. 

The Financial Burden of Delayed Dental Treatment

Dental health is closely tied to overall health, but it frequently remains an afterthought until problems become severe. When preventative measures are neglected, common dental issues such as cavities, gum disease, and tooth decay can escalate into more serious conditions that require extensive and expensive treatments.

The Escalation from Simple to Complex Treatments

When a small cavity is ignored, it can develop into a more severe issue such as a root canal or an extraction. The costs associated with these treatments increase exponentially in tandem with the severity of the conditions. Evaluating data collected from a variety of insurers, associations, and health systems, we can see that average costs for preventable dental problems add up quickly.

  • Cavity Treatment: A basic filling can cost between $100 to $300 per tooth. This is a relatively simple and cost-effective solution when caught early.
  • Root Canal: If the cavity progresses to the nerve, a root canal may be required, which can cost between $700 to $1,500 per tooth, not including the cost of a crown.
  • Extraction and Implant: In cases where the tooth cannot be saved, extraction followed by a dental implant can cost between $3,000 to $5,000 per tooth.

These numbers illustrate the dramatic increase in costs when preventative care is ignored. Remember, though, more complex treatments often require multiple visits to the dentist, further contributing to the mounting financial burden.

Gum Disease and Its Implications

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is another condition that results in serious consequences if not addressed early. It starts as gingivitis, which is reversible and can be managed with good oral hygiene and regular dental cleanings. If left untreated, however, it can progress to periodontitis, another costly outcome.

  • Advanced Treatments: Treatment for periodontitis can include scaling and root planing, which costs between $500 to $4,000 depending on the severity. In some cases, surgery may be required, costing between $1,000 to $3,000 per quadrant.
  • Tooth Loss: Severe gum disease can lead to tooth loss, necessitating dentures, bridges, or implants, each of which comes with significant costs.

The costs associated with gum disease can be substantial – and they are compounded by the need for ongoing maintenance and treatment.

Oral Health and Systemic Diseases

The connection between oral health and overall health is well-established. Poor dental hygiene contributes to the development of systemic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory infections.

  • Diabetes: Individuals with periodontal disease are at a higher risk of developing diabetes, which in turn can complicate their oral health, leading to a vicious cycle of increasing health care costs.
  • Cardiovascular Disease: There is evidence to suggest that gum disease can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Treating these conditions is significantly more expensive than maintaining good oral health.

The broader health implications of poor dental care underscore the importance of preventative measures. The costs of treating systemic diseases linked to oral health issues far outweigh the costs of regular dental checkups and cleanings.

The Impact on Employee Productivity and Company Costs

The financial implications of delayed dental care extend beyond the direct costs of treatment. Poor dental health can have a significant impact on employee productivity and overall company costs.

Absenteeism Due to Dental Problems Can Cost You

Dental pain and complications are leading causes of absenteeism in the workplace. As we referenced previously, between 164 million and 243 million work hours are lost annually due to oral health issues. This absenteeism has a direct impact on productivity.

  • Increased Costs: The cost of absenteeism due to dental issues is estimated to be around $45 billion annually in the U.S. alone. For businesses, this translates to lost productivity, missed deadlines, and the need for temporary staffing solutions.
  • Decreased Morale: Chronic dental problems can lead to persistent discomfort, affecting an employee’s ability to concentrate and perform their duties effectively. This can have a ripple effect on team dynamics and overall workplace morale.

Presenteeism: The Hidden Cost

Presenteeism, where employees are physically present but not fully functioning due to health issues, is another significant cost to businesses. Dental pain can be a major contributor to presenteeism, leading to:

  • Reduced Efficiency: Employees suffering from dental pain may struggle to focus on tasks, leading to mistakes and decreased efficiency.
  • Increased Risk of Workplace Accidents: Employees who are distracted by pain are more likely to be involved in workplace accidents, which can lead to further costs related to workers’ compensation and legal liabilities.

Cost Impacts on Employee Health and Well-being

Neglecting dental health kicks open the doors to long-term health issues that not only affect an employee’s quality of life but also increases the overall health care costs for employers. Workers with chronic health conditions are expensive.

  • Extended Medical Leave: Chronic conditions linked to poor oral health may require extended medical leave, further impacting productivity and increasing costs associated with hiring temporary staff or redistributing workloads.
  • Increase Health Insurance Premiums: As the health of employees declines, companies may face higher health insurance premiums. This is particularly relevant in cases where employees develop serious health conditions related to poor dental care.

The Cost-Conscious Business Case for Preventative Dental Care

Given the significant costs associated with delayed dental treatment, both in terms of direct financial impact and indirect costs related to productivity, it’s clear that businesses should have a vested interest in promoting preventative dental care. By advocating for preventative measures, companies can realize substantial savings while creating a healthier, more productive workforce.

Cost Savings Through Preventative Care

Preventative dental care is significantly less expensive than treating advanced dental conditions. Regular checkups, cleanings, and basic treatments prevent the escalation of dental problems.

  • Reduced Treatment Costs: Catching and treating dental issues early can prevent the need for more expensive and invasive treatments. The cost of preventative care is a fraction of what businesses might spend on more serious conditions that arise from neglect.
  • Lower Health Care Costs: By preventing oral health issues that could lead to systemic health problems, companies can reduce their overall health care expenses. Healthier employees mean fewer doctor visits, less time off work, and lower health insurance premiums.

Boosting Employee Productivity and Morale

Employees who are not burdened by dental pain or health complications are more likely to be productive and engaged in their work. Preventative dental care is key.

  • Reduced Absenteeism: Regular dental care helps employees avoid the pain and discomfort that can lead to time off work. This translates to fewer lost workdays and higher overall productivity.
  • Increased Job Satisfaction: Employees appreciate companies that invest in their well-being. Providing access to preventative dental care can boost job satisfaction and employee loyalty, leading to lower turnover rates and a more motivated workforce.

Enhancing Your Employment Brand and Corporate Reputation

Companies that prioritize employee health, including dental care, are seen as more desirable places to work. This positive exposure helps enhance a company’s reputation and attract top talent. A commitment to employee well-being can also improve relationships with clients and customers, who are increasingly concentrating on corporate social responsibility.

Implementing Preventative Dental Care Programs

Preventative oral care need not involve high costs, inconvenience, time off from work, or easily postponed dental visits that must take place during an employee’s personal schedule. Dentists on Demand’s solutions help you reimagine your wellness programs and reinvigorate employee morale with on-demand dental services at your doorstep.

We make it easy and convenient for your teams to access preventative care. This reduces the likelihood of employees neglecting their dental health due to time constraints or inconvenience.

We educate employees about the importance of dental health and the impact it has on their overall well-being, encouraging them to adopt preventative measures.

And we take care of everything for you. All you have to do is schedule a pop-up and find an available conference room or unoccupied space for us to use. 

  • We handle the setup and breakdown of our mobile dental suite and all equipment. We utilize the latest technologies in teledentistry, digital imaging, the highest-end portable equipment, and sterilization processes that are rated at hospital grade.
  • We create a branded microsite to market the service to cast members and inform them of everything they need to know in advance.
  • We provide access to CUSPID, our proprietary dental technology platform, which enables employees to manage everything from booking appointments to accessing their own patient records and more.
  • With all Dental PPO plans, our preventative services are covered at 100%, promoting the utilization of a benefit that is completely subsidized yet under-utilized. 
  • Our rates reflect the same in-network costs employers already pay, whether their models are self-funded or PEPM. 
  • We customize our solutions to meet the unique needs of your cast members, work culture, and site requirements. We also work with plan administrators to carriers to develop lists of in-network providers that we can refer employees to when additional treatment is recommended.

The Long-Term Benefits of Preventative Dental Care

The evidence is clear: neglecting dental health can lead to significant financial and productivity-related costs for businesses. By investing in preventative dental care, companies can reduce these costs, improve employee well-being, and create a more productive and satisfied workforce.

Preventative dental care is not just a health issue; it is a smart business strategy. As the workplace continues to evolve, companies that prioritize the health of their employees, including their dental health, will be better positioned to succeed in a competitive market. The benefits of a healthy workforce extend far beyond the bottom line, contributing to a positive work environment, enhanced corporate reputation, and long-term success.

By making preventative dental care a priority, companies can protect both their employees and their bottom line, ensuring a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce. Why not schedule your first pop-up today? Or if you want to learn more about onsite portable dentistry, we have all the information you need. 

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