portable dentistry

image of mouthguard to prevent bruxism from stress

Bruxism: The Costly Consequence of Workplace Stress

Bruxism is a word that many people learned during the height of the pandemic. It’s the clinical term for excessive teeth clenching or grinding. And one of the foremost factors that contributes to this involuntary and detrimental oral health habit is stress. HR leaders are no strangers to the complications that arise in the workplace […]

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image of watermelon, a benefit to oral health

Watermelon: A Refreshing Boost to the Oral Health of Your Workforce

Watermelon and summer go together like, well, watermelon and summer. Not only is watermelon the symbolic fruit of the season – a ubiquitous mainstay of picnics, beach parties, and backyard barbecues – it’s also a great way to promote oral health during warmer months. Instead of offering your employees doughnuts as a break room treat,

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image of layoffs including empty desk and box of personal items

Layoffs Impact Oral Health: Why Onsite Dental Care Should Be Part of Your Outplacement Strategy

Layoffs and unemployment can have a profound effect on the oral health of displaced workers. Stable employment contributes to early intervention for dental problems. However, once steady income streams and benefits disappear, people are less likely to prioritize regular dental visits to save costs – they’re also more likely to engage in unhealthy habits that

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