
image depicting preventative dental care value for self-funded and fully insured plans

The Value of Preventative Dental Care for Self-Funded and Fully Insured Plans

Where your organization’s benefits are concerned, self-funded and fully insured plans have their unique distinctions, upsides, and challenges. One thing they share in common, however, is the importance of utilization. Nearly half of insured adults put off essential visits to the dentist because of busy schedules and hectic commutes. That means your workforce may not […]

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image of toothbrush and piggy bank representing cost savings from preventative dental care

The High Cost of Neglect: Why Preventative Dental Care is Essential for Businesses

For businesses today, poor employee health comes at a high cost. With many industries facing increasing economic challenges, curbing overhead has replaced growth as the goal for 2024. However, failing to support the wellness of the workforce may have a hefty price tag. Companies that invest in their workers’ health see a direct return in

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image of oral health for national wellness month

This National Wellness Month, Enhance Employee Health with Onsite Preventative Dental Services

August is National Wellness Month, a time for raising awareness about the importance of self-care. Managing stress and incorporating healthy routines into one’s day may sound like platitudes, but in the hectic bustle of modern business, wellness is crucial. Employees are the lifeblood of your organization. If they break down, the big machine that drives

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image of value-based care in dentistry

Value-Based Care in Onsite Dentistry: A Game-Changer for Cost-Effective Employee Wellness

Value-based care is a term that HR leaders may not have heard, but it signals a paradigm shift in the way that healthcare services are delivered and consumed. In value-based care, providers manage a patient’s overall health, while considering the individual’s personal wellness goals. Dentists on Demand already offers a convenient and innovative solution that

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image of mouthguard to prevent bruxism from stress

Bruxism: The Costly Consequence of Workplace Stress

Bruxism is a word that many people learned during the height of the pandemic. It’s the clinical term for excessive teeth clenching or grinding. And one of the foremost factors that contributes to this involuntary and detrimental oral health habit is stress. HR leaders are no strangers to the complications that arise in the workplace

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Layoffs Impact Oral Health: Why Onsite Dental Care Should Be Part of Your Outplacement Strategy

Layoffs and unemployment can have a profound effect on the oral health of displaced workers. Stable employment contributes to early intervention for dental problems. However, once steady income streams and benefits disappear, people are less likely to prioritize regular dental visits to save costs – they’re also more likely to engage in unhealthy habits that

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image of mobile dental suite providing access to dental care

Access to Dental Care Is a Growing Challenge for Employees: Onsite Mobile Dentistry Is the Solution

Access to dental care. Let that phrase sink in for a moment. When people talk about mobile dentistry, the first term that usually comes to mind is “convenience.” Sure, having a dental team visit your employees at the workplace is tremendously expedient. Onsite mobile dentistry is an innovative solution that bolsters your business’ wellness programs

Access to Dental Care Is a Growing Challenge for Employees: Onsite Mobile Dentistry Is the Solution Read More »

a toothbrush with rainbow colored toothpaste for lgbtq+ pride

Smile Proudly this Pride Month: How Onsite Mobile Dentistry Promotes LGBTQ+ Oral Health

It’s June, and that means we’re celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride Month. Equality, inclusion, acceptance, and support for friends and loved ones in the community are critical to the advancement of our society. We talk a lot about these issues during Pride, but the subject of health is often pushed aside. It shouldn’t be. The National Institute

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mobile dentistry suite onsite at company office

Enhanced Employee Retention: How Mobile Dentistry Reduces Turnover and Raises Morale

Employee retention remains a top challenge for companies in 2024. The Great Resignation, in which job quitting across industries reached historic highs, may have subsided, but it’s not entirely over. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS), the quit rate peaked at 3.0% in November 2021,

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dental care awareness month

This Dental Care Awareness Month, Keep Your Workforce Smiling

Since its inception in 2018, Dental Care Awareness Month has been celebrated every May as a reminder of the role that oral health plays in maintaining our overall wellbeing. But in the hectic bustle of modern business, scheduling and attending traditional dental appointments can be a hassle for employees, often leading to neglected checkups and

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invite dentists on demand to your next corporate wellness fair

How Wellness Programs Contribute to Employee Health and Corporate Wealth

The first wellness programs debuted in the 1950s. They weren’t widespread among corporations, and they didn’t have the appeal we see today in media concentrating on human resources, benefits, and workplace innovation. Over the past few years, however, a stronger synergy between employee wellness and employee benefits has formed and grown. And corporate mobile dentistry

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New eBook for HR Professionals: The Holistic Health Benefits of Corporate Mobile Dentistry

The worst of the pandemic is behind us, but its effects have left an indelible mark on our present and future. And this is glaringly apparent in the new normal of employment. HR leaders continue to struggle with getting employees motivated to return to the office. The potential for long commutes to resume means some

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