Labor Day May End White Wardrobes, But Not White Smiles: Dental Tips for Fall

Labor Day has come and gone, which means all the white in your wardrobe should be on the way out, too. But why? The tradition invokes a throwback to the early 1900s when people stowed their bright summer attire to make room for darker, more autumnal hues. And while fashionistas may frown on a white gown this time of year, people will encounter even more sour looks if their teeth reflect the same orange and yellow tones of fall. Where one’s smile is concerned, white is always in style. So as summer draws to a close and your employees return from vacation, it’s time to refocus on daily routines. Dentists on Demand makes the transition easy by bringing preventative dental care, cleanings, checkups, and whitening right to your office. 

Labor Day Brings Summer to an End, but a Sunny Smile Lasts All Year Long

The memories of barbecues and beach trips may linger, but it’s essential to remember that our teeth need consistent care and attention all year round. After the indulgences of summer, autumn is the perfect time to help your workers restore and maintain the brilliance of their smiles post-Labor Day. Here are some tips to help promote oral health.

Revisit Your Dental Routine After Labor Day

After coming back from a relaxing holiday, it’s easy to lose track of dental hygiene routines. Re-establish a commitment to oral health by brushing twice a day, for at least two minutes, and flossing daily. Consistency is key to preventing more serious dental issues such as tooth decay and gum disease.

Reflect on Diet

Labor Day celebrations often involve indulging in delicious but sugary or acidic foods and beverages. As summer festivities conclude, consider reassessing dietary choices and opting for tooth-friendly alternatives. Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and plenty of water can help keep any smile radiant.

Schedule a Post-Labor Day Checkup

Autumn is an excellent time to schedule a dental checkup. A professional cleaning and examination can help dentists identify any issues that may have arisen during vacation, allowing them to address potential problems promptly. A healthy smile isn’t just a beautiful smile, it’s an indication of overall health and wellbeing. And with more holidays on the way, now is the time to address preventable concerns before they become painful conditions.

Forget the Labor Day Rule and Consider Whitening

If your employees’ teeth have become discolored or stained from summer indulgences like coffee or red wine, consider professional teeth whitening. This simple and non-invasive treatment can rejuvenate their smiles and boost their confidence as they head into the fall season.

Protect Your Smile

As the seasons change, outdoor activities become more popular. Some of your workers may plan on participating in contact sports or any recreational activities that might put their teeth at risk. Remind them to wear a mouthguard. Protecting their smiles is an investment in its long-term health.

Set Smile Goals

Just as people set personal or professional goals after the holiday, they should consider setting smile goals too. Whether it’s perfecting oral hygiene routines, exploring orthodontic options, or treating dental concerns, having clear objectives can help them achieve the smile they’ve always wanted.

Convenient Value-Based Dental Care for Your Labor Force

Dentists on Demand pioneered the model of portable dentistry and revolutionized the way that busy professionals receive dental care. Unlike mobile dentistry, which relies on fleets of vans to deliver services, a portable dentistry solution establishes a mini dental suite in a conference room or other available space at a client’s office. 

The model is focused on leveraging the fully insured or self-funded plans that employers already offer their employees to promote a preventative oral health program that improves the well-being of the workforce while lowering the cost of care over time. Our highly skilled teams and state-of-the-art technology create an employee experience that emphasizes convenience, accessibility, and lasting oral health outcomes. It’s not just about portability; it’s about empowering employees to realize their individual wellness goals through value-based care.

Preventative oral care need not involve high costs, inconvenience, time off from work, or easily postponed dental visits that must take place during an employee’s personal schedule. Dentists on Demand’s solutions help you reimagine your wellness programs and reinvigorate employee morale with on-demand dental services at your doorstep.

We make it easy and convenient for your teams to access preventative care. They receive check-ups, x-rays, cleanings, and optional teeth whitening in one onsite visit. Beyond aesthetics, however, preventative care reduces the likelihood of employees neglecting their dental health due to time constraints or inconvenience.

We also educate employees about the importance of dental health and the impact it has on their overall well-being, encouraging them to adopt preventative measures.

What Makes Dentists on Demand Unique?

  • Our team uses the latest advances in portable equipment to deliver onsite care to your employees, many of whom struggle to maintain routine dental check-ups because of hectic commutes and busy schedules. 
  • Dental pop ups increase employee productivity, reduce absenteeism for emergencies, and cultivate stronger morale. But there’s another advantage to portable dentistry: sustainability. We promote environmental sustainability by eliminating the need for travel to a brick-and-mortar office. Mobile clinics, on the other hand, increase carbon emissions. And if parking comes at a premium, these vehicles may not be close to your building. 
  • We embrace the broader goals of cost efficiency and patient satisfaction that come from value-based care, an emerging health trend in which Dentists on Demand is leading the charge. And we bring that value to you.

How Does It Work? Easy Is How.

All you have to do is schedule a pop-up and find an available conference room or unoccupied space for us to use. We do the rest.

  • We handle the setup and breakdown of our mobile dental suite and all equipment. We utilize the latest technologies in teledentistry, digital imaging, the highest-end portable equipment, and sterilization processes that are rated at hospital grade.
  • We create a branded microsite to market the service to cast members and inform them of everything they need to know in advance.
  • We provide access to CUSPID, our proprietary dental technology platform, which enables employees to manage everything from booking appointments to accessing their own patient records and more.
  • With all Dental PPO plans, our preventative services are covered at 100%, promoting the utilization of a benefit that is completely subsidized yet under-utilized. 
  • Our rates reflect the same in-network costs employers already pay, whether their models are self-funded or PEPM. 
  • We customize our solutions to meet the unique needs of your cast members, work culture, and site requirements. We also work with plan administrators to carriers to develop lists of in-network providers that we can refer employees to when additional treatment is recommended.

Labor Day Ushers in a New Season of New Smiles

Labor Day has passed, yet the importance of taking care of one’s teeth remains constant. Post-holiday dental care is a crucial part of maintaining oral health and ensuring that our smiles continue to shine brightly. By following these dental care tips and scheduling a dental pop-up at your office, you can help your employees enjoy a brilliant smile that lights up every season of the year. Why not schedule a pop-up today? You can also learn more about our solutions by visiting our site.

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