Onsite Dentistry

image of value-based care in dentistry

Value-Based Care in Onsite Dentistry: A Game-Changer for Cost-Effective Employee Wellness

Value-based care is a term that HR leaders may not have heard, but it signals a paradigm shift in the way that healthcare services are delivered and consumed. In value-based care, providers manage a patient’s overall health, while considering the individual’s personal wellness goals. Dentists on Demand already offers a convenient and innovative solution that […]

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image of mouthguard to prevent bruxism from stress

Bruxism: The Costly Consequence of Workplace Stress

Bruxism is a word that many people learned during the height of the pandemic. It’s the clinical term for excessive teeth clenching or grinding. And one of the foremost factors that contributes to this involuntary and detrimental oral health habit is stress. HR leaders are no strangers to the complications that arise in the workplace

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Layoffs Impact Oral Health: Why Onsite Dental Care Should Be Part of Your Outplacement Strategy

Layoffs and unemployment can have a profound effect on the oral health of displaced workers. Stable employment contributes to early intervention for dental problems. However, once steady income streams and benefits disappear, people are less likely to prioritize regular dental visits to save costs – they’re also more likely to engage in unhealthy habits that

Layoffs Impact Oral Health: Why Onsite Dental Care Should Be Part of Your Outplacement Strategy Read More »

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