Without Dental Care, Wellness Programs Fall Short of Total Health

Wellness, these days, can seem more like a trendy fad than an actual health initiative. Across New York, for example, Women’s Wear Daily touted the rise of six new beauty and wellness destinations that promise a gamut of offerings from “cocktails and pedicures to hot pilates.” The push to be well is prominent in today’s stressed-out society. But what does that mean? Pampering ourselves? Making lifestyle changes? Seeking preventative care? All of the above? Wellness has also become a pressing concern for employers who are witnessing a decline in the health of their workforce. Yet whether it’s a day at the spa or a day at the office, one very crucial aspect of wellness is missing from most wellness programs – dental care. It shouldn’t be. With advances in portable dentistry, where providers come to your location, oral health is as convenient as it is necessary.

Wellness: A Wake-Up Call to CEOS

Writing for Forbes, Julian Hayes discussed Apple CEO Tim Cook pivoted away from the glamor and glitz commonly associated with the company’s “It’s Glowtime” event to emphasize its production of health-centered features, such as ‘sleep apnea notifications, AirPods functioning as hearing aids, and a new Apple Watch app tracking overnight biometrics.”

As Hayes noted, today’s workplace is evolving at a rapid pace: “Millennials comprise the largest labor force segment, with Gen Z close behind. Understanding these evolving dynamics is an untapped competitive advantage for organizations seeking to retain talent and get the best from their people. It’s not about surface-level perks. But instead, it’s about tailoring initiatives that comprehensively address employee well-being. CEOs should ask themselves, ‘Are we growing and adapting to stay connected with our people?’ This question can help close the gap between good and great performance in a competitive marketplace.”

Apple isn’t the only major brand renewing its focus on wellbeing. The Lululemon 2024 Global Wellbeing Report identified a vicious cycle where increased pressure to be “well” is contributing to physical, mental, or social exhaustion. However, one of the most interesting discoveries in the survey was that 53% of respondents admitted being confused by the different sources of wellness-related information. Given the scattered nature of wellness offerings, this makes sense. 

At wellness fairs, for example, employees may encounter a host of services that aim to complement traditional healthcare benefits like medical and vision: massage therapy, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, and even sound baths – a meditative experience where individuals are “bathed” in sound waves. Perhaps it’s an attempt to create a valued-based care solution, which promotes a holistic, integrated approach to physical and mental health. But more than sound baths and essential oils, people need dental care. Oral health is inextricably linked to overall health, body and mind. Too often, however, that gets ignored in wellness programs. With advances in portable dentistry, where dentists can deliver preventative care right to your workforce at their offices, why is dentistry largely excluded? 

Why Dental Care Belongs in Every Corporate Wellness Program

Employers are constantly looking for innovative ways to support employee well-being. Corporate wellness programs have become increasingly popular, providing services like gym memberships, mental health support, and nutrition counseling. Often missing from these initiatives is dental care, despite its critical link to physical and mental health. At Dentists on Demand, we believe that oral health deserves a place in every corporate wellness program, and we’ve made it our mission to bring dental care directly to the workplace through advanced portable dentistry.

The Wellness Connection Between Physical and Oral Health

Oral health is often considered a separate part of health care, but it’s deeply intertwined with physical health. The mouth is not an isolated system; it serves as a gateway to the rest of the body. Poor oral health can have a ripple effect, contributing to or exacerbating a wide array of medical conditions.

Cardiovascular Disease

One of the most well-documented links between oral health and physical health is the connection to cardiovascular disease. Gum disease, or periodontitis, is an inflammatory condition caused by bacterial infection in the mouth. Left untreated, it can lead to severe gum and bone damage. And that can affect the heart. Research shows that the bacteria involved in gum disease can enter the bloodstream, triggering inflammation and contributing to the formation of arterial plaque, which increases the risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. Studies have even suggested that people with gum disease are nearly twice as likely to have heart disease compared to those with healthy gums.


There is a well-established two-way relationship between diabetes and oral health. Individuals with diabetes are more susceptible to infections, including gum disease, and uncontrolled gum disease can make it more difficult to manage blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels create an environment where harmful bacteria thrive, leading to more severe gum infections. In turn, gum disease can increase blood sugar levels, creating a vicious cycle. Proper oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups are crucial for diabetics to keep their condition under control.

Respiratory Health

Oral bacteria don’t just stay in the mouth; they can travel to other parts of the body, including the lungs. This is particularly concerning for individuals with respiratory conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pneumonia. Bacteria from infected gums can be inhaled into the lungs, worsening respiratory conditions or triggering infections. For employees with compromised immune systems or those who are already dealing with respiratory illnesses, keeping their oral health in check can significantly improve their overall health outcomes.

Pregnancy Complications

For pregnant employees, maintaining good oral health is especially important. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase the risk of gum disease, which has been linked to premature birth and low birth weight. Periodontal disease can trigger a systemic inflammatory response, potentially leading to complications that affect both the mother and the baby. Providing convenient access to dental care for pregnant employees can help ensure that they receive the necessary preventative care, reducing the risk of complications.

Oral Health and Mental Health: An Overlooked Connection

While the link between oral health and physical health is well-recognized, the connection between oral health and mental health is less widely discussed. However, the impact of oral health on mental well-being is significant, affecting self-esteem, social interaction, and even the ability to manage stress.

Self-Esteem and Confidence

The appearance of one’s teeth can have a profound effect on self-esteem and confidence. Employees who are embarrassed by their teeth—whether due to decay, discoloration, or misalignment—may shy away from social interactions, avoid smiling, or even feel less confident in professional settings. This can lead to decreased job satisfaction and reduced productivity. Incorporating dental care into corporate wellness programs ensures that employees have access to the services they need to feel confident in their appearance, which can positively affect both their personal and professional lives.

Anxiety and Depression

The relationship between oral health and mental health can also work in the opposite direction. Individuals struggling with anxiety or depression are more likely to neglect their oral hygiene, which can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental issues. Conversely, the pain and discomfort associated with poor oral health can contribute to or worsen mental health issues. Chronic tooth pain, for example, can lead to irritability, difficulty concentrating, and even sleep disturbances, all of which can exacerbate mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. Ensuring that employees have easy access to dental care can play a crucial role in supporting their mental health.

The Economic Benefits of Dental Care in Wellness Programs

Beyond the obvious health benefits, incorporating dental care into wellness programs offers significant economic advantages for both employers and employees. Dental care should be seen not just as a perk, but as a strategic investment in employee health and productivity.

Reduced Absenteeism

Poor oral health is a leading cause of absenteeism. As we’ve written before, the American Dental Association (ADA) has found that more than 164 million work hours are lost in the United States each year due to oral health issues. That’s equivalent to 1.48 hours per person, or about 16% of the population missing work due to dental health concerns.

Whether it’s a toothache, gum infection, or the need for a root canal, dental problems can cause employees to miss valuable work time. By providing preventive dental care as part of a wellness program, employers can help reduce the incidence of dental emergencies, keeping employees healthier and on the job.

Enhanced Productivity

Oral health issues don’t just impact attendance, they also impact productivity. Employees who are suffering from dental pain or discomfort may be physically present at work but mentally distracted, unable to focus on their tasks. This phenomenon, known as presenteeism, can significantly reduce productivity and efficiency. By prioritizing dental care, employers can help employees stay focused and perform at their best.

Lower Healthcare Costs

Preventive dental care is one of the most cost-effective ways to reduce overall healthcare expenses. Regular cleanings, exams, and early interventions can prevent minor dental issues from escalating into major health problems. For example, treating gum disease in its early stages is far less expensive than dealing with the consequences of untreated gum disease, such as tooth loss, bone damage, and its associated health complications like heart disease or diabetes. By offering dental care as part of a wellness program, employers can reduce their long-term healthcare costs by keeping employees healthier.

Dentists on Demand: Making Dental Care Convenient and Accessible

At Dentists on Demand, we understand the challenges employees face when trying to balance work and personal health. Many employees neglect dental care simply because it’s inconvenient to take time off work for appointments. That’s why we’ve revolutionized the delivery of dental care, bringing it directly to workplaces through portable dentistry. Our team of licensed dental professionals arrives onsite with state-of-the-art equipment, offering a continuum of preventative care that includes exams, x-rays, cleanings, and treatment planning. More than massages and incense, oral health solutions deliver value-based care.

In value-based care, providers manage a patient’s overall health, while considering the individual’s personal wellness goals. Dentists on Demand already offers a convenient and innovative solution that brings dental care directly to your employees at the workplace. However, value-based care is an inherent aspect of our model that should be emphasized. This means we focus not just on providing services but on achieving the best possible oral health outcomes for your employees, while reducing overall healthcare costs for your company. For HR and finance leaders, value-based care can revolutionize the health and well-being of your people and your overall organization. 

How Portable Dentistry Works

Our process is simple and designed with the busy employee in mind. We coordinate with employers to set up a schedule for onsite visits, ensuring minimal disruption to the workday. Employees can book appointments online, selecting a time that works best for them. When the day of the visit arrives, our team sets up a fully functional, portable dental office in a designated area of the workplace. Employees receive high-quality dental care without ever having to leave the office.

This model of care is particularly valuable for employees who might otherwise struggle to find time for dental appointments—whether due to long commutes, family obligations, or demanding work schedules. By making dental care more accessible, we help ensure that employees receive the preventive services they need to maintain their oral health and overall well-being.

The Value of Preventive Care

Preventive dental care is the cornerstone of good oral health. Routine cleanings, exams, and screenings help detect issues early before they become more serious—and more costly to treat. For example, catching a cavity in its early stages allows for a simple filling, whereas leaving it untreated could result in the need for a root canal or even an extraction.

Incorporating dental care into wellness programs not only helps employees maintain their oral health but also reinforces the importance of preventive care. By providing employees with regular access to dental services, employers send a clear message that they prioritize their employees’ long-term health and well-being.

A Holistic Approach to Employee Wellness

As we’ve seen, oral health is intricately linked to both physical and mental health, making it an essential component of overall well-being. By integrating dental care into corporate wellness programs, employers can take a more holistic approach to employee health—one that addresses the full spectrum of well-being.

At Dentists on Demand, we are proud to be at the forefront of this movement, offering a service that not only makes dental care more accessible but also aligns with the growing demand for comprehensive wellness programs. By prioritizing oral health, employers can foster a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce.

Wellness Programs Are Incomplete Without Dental Care

Incorporating dental care into corporate wellness programs is a win-win for both employees and employers. From reducing absenteeism and healthcare costs to boosting productivity and mental well-being, the benefits of prioritizing oral health are undeniable. At Dentists on Demand, we make it easy for companies to provide this essential service, bringing high-quality dental care directly to the workplace. If you’re ready to take your corporate wellness program to the next level, schedule a pop-up today. Or contact us to learn how we can help your employees achieve better health—one smile at a time.

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